
  • *受発注*HIDISC ACE Lab フラッシュメモリーデータリカバリーソリューション PC-3000 FLASH 専用アダプター Сircuit Board Adapter
  • *受発注*HIDISC ACE Lab フラッシュメモリーデータリカバリーソリューション PC-3000 FLASH 専用アダプター Сircuit Board Adapter
  • *受発注*HIDISC ACE Lab フラッシュメモリーデータリカバリーソリューション PC-3000 FLASH 専用アダプター Сircuit Board Adapter

*受発注*HIDISC ACE Lab フラッシュメモリーデータリカバリーソリューション PC-3000 FLASH 専用アダプター Сircuit Board Adapter



商品コード 4984279800126
Now there is a high percentage of monoliths (Embedded Solution, SoC) where one physical package has memory chips, an integrated controller to perform all the basic functions and all the passive elements. Thus, the only one external connector for such storage device is the interface connector intended for such drives (SD, MS, Micro SD etc.). When such drive is broken and it is impossible to work through the standard interface, you can get an access to the internal memory chips using the individual technological pin outs (if any), located on the monolith circuit board or soldering straight to the topology tracks of the circuit board when you have the information about pinmaps.To perform such tasks, a specialized PC-3000 Flash Circuit Board adapter has been developed, which is intended not only for the comfortable installation works and connection to the PC-3000 Flash, but also for the analytical work to define the output destination of the new unstudied chips.

The main features of the Circuit Board adapter:

All signals are buffered, eliminating possible parasitic interference of the readable chip. If necessary, the buffer elements can be turned off while the work with wired chip is carried out directly
Used buffers have double power supply, allowing to set the voltage level to read the memory chips or the monolith chips, independently of the main Reader. It enables to change the memory chips voltage supply, which in some cases can be useful to work with the "problem"memory chips, and also when the voltage value of the readable chip differs from the voltage value of the main Reader. The allowed range of power supply voltage values for the readable chip or monolith drive is 1.2 - 3.6 V
Mounting place has enough size to put a chip which makes the operation easier and the life cycle of the adapter is maximized. Each signal is repeatedly duplicated and the signal placement takes into account the characteristics of their usage
The adapter has LEDs allowing to check the state of all voltages involved in the adapter operation
The adapter allows to use any external power supply device as a power source for readable memory chips or the drive in the monolithic implementation. In this case, the power supply management can be done in software or manual modes
The adapter contains all the necessary elemental and topological features to help you perform the pinouts assignments using the logic analyzer which is wired into the mounting field of the chip. In this case, all signals are buffered, eliminating the influence of the analyzer probes on the internal bus of monoliths
The adapter has slots for TSOP-48 and TLGA-52 chips, with the convenient location of all VSP pinouts which allows you to use the adapter for reading these chips which have specific requirements for work incompatible with the standard PC-3000 Flash adapters. For example, local heating or cooling of the damaged chips for better reading
The adapter has the implemented patch panel that enables flexible re-commutation of the leads placed in the mounting field of the chip and PC-Flash Reader leads, without re-soldering the wired chip. It is useful when working with the analyzer when the pinout assignment can be changed repeatedly during the research process


  • DVD
  • BD
  • CD
  • メディア用ケース
  • メモリカード
  • 産業用メモリカード
  • USBメモリ
  • SSD
  • 音楽用カセットテープ
  • RTM音楽テープ
  • ヘッドセット
  • モバイルバッテリー
  • 電源タップ
  • Lightningケーブル
  • microUSBケーブル
  • USB Type-Cケーブル
  • HDMIケーブル
  • LANケーブル
  • AC式充電器
  • レガシーメディア
  • パソコン周辺機器
  • バルク/まとめ買い





